Crews Remove 30-Plus Animals From Small Des Moines Home

Photo: Animal Rescue League of Iowa

(Des Moines, IA) -- Animal Rescue League crews are taking care of dozens of dogs, taken from a small Des Moines home. Crews took 31-dogs and 2 cockatiels from the home. The A-R-L says they'd been to the same house about four years ago, and took 26 animals away at that time. The home has been deemed uninhabitable.

The ARL says the floors in each room of the house was coated with layers of dog feces, and urine stood in puddles on the warped flooring. The dogs were covered in fleas and some had scabbing and significant hair loss. The tiniest, flea-infested puppies were only a week old.

The ARL has begun treatment for severe flea infestations, scabbing, open sores and hair loss, some of the dogs are suffering from ear infections, nearly all have serious dental problems, and at least one will require eye surgery for an untreated condition.

Photo: Animal Rescue League

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