Is cancel culture dangerous for America or just annoying?

The list seems endless! Every day a new weird thing is added to the list of the cancelled.

Dr Seuss books, the Muppets, Gone with the Wind, Swiss Family Robinson, Dumbo, Peter Pan and even Pepe Le Pew! There are movements to take down Washington and Jefferson statues too! Even a New England ice cream company has been forced to change it's "Just Jimmies" brand to "Just Sprinkles" after the mob aimed the cancel culture at them for wrongly saying the Jimmies referred to the Jim Crow laws.

The cancellation of Pepe who won't appear in the Space Jame 2 movie, has drawn criticism from Whoopi Goldberg who likes the cartoon skunk! Speaking on The View yesterday, Goldberg said "I don't know why you've got to erase everything. I don't get it. I don't understand it." Her co host Joy Behar said nobody likes Pepe anyway to which Goldberg responded "I do! I like Pepe!"

Winston Churchill once famously said: “Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.” Oh wait! Some Democrats are trying to cancel Churchill. President Biden has once again removed the Churchill bust from the Oval.

Is cancel culture dangerous or is it just annoying (unless of course you are the target)?

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