Iowa brain injury experts warn about sub-concussive impacts

(DES MOINES, Iowa)   Iowa's athletes, coaches, and officials have gotten used to Iowa's Youth Sports and Concussion Law, passed several years ago, have learned the signs and strive to take appropriate action when there is an injury.  Experts say, however, teachers need to be in the loop, because some residual concussion signs can show up in class, and linger for up to three weeks.

Jeff Lauer of the Iowa Brain Injury Alliance also says there's growing evidence about sub-concussive blows, -that is- a blow to the body that goes up the spine and into the brain.   He says studies are showing such injuries can cause short and long term changes in the brain.  

Lauer says concussions are most common in football, girls soccer, lacrosse, ice hockey, and mixed martial arts.   He notes, however, the largest percentage of brain injuries are related to falls among middle age and older adults.

This is Brain Injury Awareness month, hear an in-depth discussion about it the Focus Public Affairs podcast, on WHO

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