City of Council Bluffs Rolls Out New Curbside Solid Waste Carts

(Council Bluffs, IA) -- Council Bluffs residents will start receiving new recycling and trash carts this week.

The City of Council Bluffs says it will begin rolling out over 39,000 new recycling and trash/yard waste carts to residents that can be used for new automated collection starting the week of July 3. The 96-gallon carts have wheels for easy maneuvering, attached lids to keep recyclables and solid waste dry and secure, and allow residents to recycle more. The city says with the added capacity, residents no longer need to sort recyclables. Instead, residents can place all accepted recyclable items directly into the new cart.

"The change to carted single-stream recycling and garbage collection is a big step forward for the City of Council Bluffs," said Tony Fiala, Solid Waste Superintendent for the City of Council Bluffs. "The carted single-stream recycling will provide more capacity and make it easier for residents to recycle. Fully carted collection for all solid waste will improve collection efficiency, reduce litter and improve the aesthetics of the City. The City of Council Bluffs appreciates the funding and collaboration with the Recycling Partnership to help make this a reality."

The 96-gallon carts will arrive at residents' homes in May through late June. Each cart will be delivered with a packet of information on what can and cannot be recycled, a recycling collection calendar, and other program details. Residents can begin using their new carts starting July 3. Recycling collection will change to every other week on your regular trash day, and schedules will be provided upon delivery of the new carts.

The City asks that residents continue to do their part by placing only accepted recyclable materials in their carts, including aluminum and steel cans, food and beverage cartons, paper products (including newspapers and flattened cardboard), and plastic containers with twist-top lids, and margarine and yogurt tubs. To help limit contamination, quickly rinse food and drink containers and place them directly into the recycling cart—no sorting needed. Some items that cannot be recycled include plastic bags, paper towels, electrical equipment, batteries, and clothing.

Yard waste can be combined with garbage in the 96-gallon cart year-round. All materials must fit in the cart with the lid closed. Waste Connections will collect additional paper yard waste bags during peak times (April 15 - May 31 and October 15 - November 30). The Council Bluffs City Council approved a monthly rate increase of $1 for solid waste collection. The approved rate adjustment begins in July 2023. The new solid waste rate is $21 monthly and is billed quarterly.

More information can be found here.

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