Des Moines Water Works To Plant Demonstration Crops

Photo: Des Moines Water Works

(Des Moines, IA) -- Test plots are going in at Des Moines Water Works Park. The "Plots in the Park" program is a collaboration with Landus and the Des Moines Water Works utility. The project is designed to showcase agricultural practices that promote water quality. Water Works Park located near the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers.

“DMWW is committed to leading and advocating for improved surface water quality in Iowa,” said Ted Corrigan, the CEO/General Manager of DMWW. “We understand that meaningful improvement will not be possible without large-scale implementation of the types of modern agricultural best practices, which Landus will demonstrate in Plots in the Park.”

Landus President and CEO Matt Carstens says companies such as Landus, which farmers depend on, must reach across aisles to work with nontraditional partners to build better solutions.

“We are proud of the work our farmers do, but also recognize concerns from those outside of agriculture,” Carstens says. “The ag industry must be willing to sit at the table and work alongside others with differing perspectives. Landus is working diligently to bridge the gap between the work happening on Iowa farms and the many communities and industries impacted by it.”

Eventually there will be educational tours of the plots for visiting agricultural producers and groups. Visitors will read about concerns and ideas for how to improve Iowa’s water quality directly from educational materials on site. 

Through the partnership, both organizations seek to gain understanding in the effort to reduce nutrient runoff and drive continual improvement.

Corrigan says every acre of land in production the state should have a plan for how nutrients that may leave the soil and enter water sources.

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