Carlisle School District Confirms COVID-19 Case, 6 Teachers Quarantined

CARLISLE, Iowa - Six teachers at Carlisle Middle School in Warren County are in quarantine after one of them tested positive for COVID-19.

The school says the quarantine will last for 14 days. Substitute teachers will be used in the interim, and if quarantined teachers are able to work, they will join classrooms remotely through videoconferencing.

John Elkin, Carlisle Middle School Principal, said if substitute teachers can't be found, quarantined teachers will be allowed to return to work as long as they are being screened and are asymptomatic.

Elkin said the infected teacher did not have close contact with any students since school was not in session. He said all areas of the building that the infected teacher used in the past several days have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Elkin also said the school is in contact with the Warren County Department of Health and will take the steps necessary to protect the health of students and staff.

Monday was the first day of school in the Carlisle School District.

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