Cedar Rapids to use new flood control systems

2016 Cedar River flooding in Cedar Rapids. Photo KCRG TV

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa - The City of Cedar Rapids will use parts of a new permanent flood control system built over the past two years as the Cedar River reaches major flood stage Sunday.

Over the last two years the City has completed new underground flood gates, a new levee, and two pumps that will be used to protect the NewBo district and downtown Cedar Rapids from flood damage.  

But the flood control system isn't completed and the city is still falling back on sandbagging in some areas.

"This is another sign that we need to complete our permanent flood system."  Cedar Rapids Mayor Brad Hart said.  "So we can stop worrying every time it rains hard" 

The  City put in-action flood preparations for an 18 foot crest.  As of Thursday the Cedar River at Cedar Rapids is expected to crest Sunday into Monday at 17 feet.

Photo (above) 2016 Cedar River floods at Cedar Rapids.  Photo by KCRG TV 9

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