Van, Bonnie & Jeff to do the "Crack an Egg" Challenge...details here...

Tomorrow morning during the 7:30 news, you'll want to check out the Van and Bonnie Facebook page for some fun with Van, Bonnie and Jeff.  We will be doing the "Crack an Egg for Hunger Challenge".  We will have a dozen eggs, some will be raw, some will be hard-boiled.  We will be cracking eggs on our heads...who will get the raw eggs and who will get the hard-boiled eggs?  It's all part of World Egg Day! For everyone that participates in Crack an Egg & posts the video on their social media, the Iowa Egg Council will donate a dozen eggs to the Iowa Food Banks!  We will be making a "challenge" to someone as well!  Please join us on the Van and Bonnie Facebook page for the live event!

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